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Rodzinny Bal Karnawalowy

February 11, 2017

Sala Bankietowa Crystal Palace

1-szy Koncert Chopinowski

w Parku Chopina w Chicago

2 maja 2015

Marzec 2014, Wielkie Rekolekcje Rodzinne

W niedzielÄ™ 16 lutego w parafii Åšw. WÅ‚adysÅ‚awa o godz 10:30 rano odbyÅ‚a siÄ™ uroczysta msza rozpoczynajÄ…ca „Wielkie Rekolekcje Rodzinne”, której przewodniczyÅ‚ ks. biskup Andrzej Wypych. Fundacja „Strong Family” z o. Jerzym KarpiÅ„skim, SJ oraz Biuro Duszpasterstwa Rodzin Archidiecezji Chicago byÅ‚y organizatorami Pierwszego Polonijnego Kongresu o Rodzinie, poÅ‚Ä…czonego z Wielkimi Rekolekcjami Rodzinnymi pod hasÅ‚em RODZINA BOGIEM SILNA – MOCÄ„ POLONII.

ÅšwiÄ™conka z zespoÅ‚em pieÅ›ni i taÅ„ca „Polonia”
Dzieci i mÅ‚odzież z zespoÅ‚u pieÅ›ni i taÅ„ca „Polonia” oraz „Krasnoludki” w WielkÄ… SobotÄ™ w poÅ‚udnie wziÄ™li udziaÅ‚ w ceremonii Å›wiÄ™cenia pokarmów wielkanocnych w koÅ›ciele Å›w. WÅ‚adysÅ‚awa.

Na scenie wystÄ…piÅ‚o ponad 250 artystów, dzieci i dorosÅ‚ych z organizacji artystycznych miedzy innymi 

ZespóÅ‚ PieÅ›ni i TaÅ„ca “Polonia” pod kierownictwem Anny KrysiÅ„skiej.

Polish Roman Catholic Union of America Celebrating Its 140th Anniversary

Friday, October 4th at 7 p.m. at The Polish Museum of America,

Chicago, IL - The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America (PRCUA), the mother of all Polish American fraternal organizations, is celebrating its 140th anniversary on the weekend of October 4-5, 2013. The Jubilee will begin with the Opening of the 140 Years of PRCUA History Exhibit and Reception on Friday, October 4th at 7 p.m. at The Polish Museum of America, 984 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL. The exhibit will display rare old photographs of the organization and its members through 14 decades, historical documents from the 19th century and many interesting artifacts. The Exhibit will be displayed through the middle of November. The public is invited to attend the Opening Reception at no charge.

Congratulations to our longtime friend and mentor Andrzej Pietowski on receiving the Cavalier's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland from the President of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski. Your passion for exploring the world, dedication and commitment to improving the life of young Collagua Indians in Peru has been and continues to be an inspiration to all of us. Congratulations on the presidential honors!
                                                                                                                                          -Polonia Ensemble


White Eagle Banquet Hall
6831 Milwaukee, Niles

Polonia Song and Dance Ensemble of PRCUA invites you to the

Spring Concert,

dinner and fun for the whole family!


Pulaski - Polish Hero
Monday, March 4th, 2013

Nineteenth Century Charitable Association

178 Forest Ave., Oak Park IL

The Polonia Ensemble presents an exhilarating, interactive media program using film, dance and narration about Polish history and culture at the time of the Revolutionary War. Follow Pulaski to Paris where he meets with Benjamin Franklin and goes on to America where he saves the life of George Washington.

Tak! To już prawdziwy festiwal! Pierwsze „Magiczne ÅšwiÄ™ta” – zaproponowane w ubiegÅ‚ym roku w formie muzycznego spektaklu tak bardzo spodobaÅ‚y siÄ™ wszystkim, że w tym roku Fundacja Kopernikowska postanowiÅ‚a otworzyć swoje goÅ›cinne podwoje na cale dwa dni (!)

read more.....

The prestigious President’s Award was presented by IL Div. PAC Pres.Mary Anselmo to PRCUA member Mrs. Cecylia Roznowska,founder of the PRCUA Polonia Ensemble for her 50+ years of work as a Polish folk dance choreographer and artisticdirector. Polonia Ensemble performed at the banquet. Congratulations to Pani Cecylia Roznowska!

3 Majowka Weekend
Copernicus Center,  May 6th, 2012

Spectacular multimedia show in celebration of Polish Constitution Day.
"Witness the intermingling of the two most epic times in history for Polish art and literature as they relate to modern times. The performance is written in verse for this occasion and set to beautiful music, which will provide the heartbeat for a kaleidoscope of cultural dances!" 

Polish-American Heritage Month 14th Annual Heritage Celebration
Friday, November 4th, 2011

Northeastern Illinois University Student Union, Alumni Hall

The Council of Educators in Polonia and the Northeastern Illinois University Office of Alumni Affairs

invite you to the Polish-American 14th Annual Heritage Celebration
Congratulations to Community Service Award Recipient -

Cecylia Roznowska, Artistic Director and Founder of Polonia Ensemble

Polish-American Christmas Gala Concert

Let us get you into the mood for the holidays!
Sunday, December 12, 2010, 4pm
Northeastern Illinois University Auditorium
5500. N. St. Louis, Chicago
Music, carols, songs and dances for the whole family!

Sunday, December 11th, 3:00pm 
Copernicus Center, 5216 W Lawrence

25 Years of Entertaining Around the World
Bringing you back to your Polish Roots through Culture, Traditions and Heritage

Sunday, June 12, 2011 at
House of the White Eagle
6839 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles

Polish-American Christmas Gala Concert

Let us get you into the mood for the holidays!
Sunday, December 12, 2010, 4pm
Northeastern Illinois University Auditorium
5500. N. St. Louis, Chicago
Music, carols, songs and dances for the whole family!

August 23 - 27, 2010
5th Annual Chicago Sister Cities International Festival 
Millenium Park, Chopin in the Park

In celebration of 50 years of international exchanges between Chicago and Warsaw, Poland,

the Warsaw Committee of Chicago Sister Cities International will host a series of small performances,

honoring the 200th Anniversary of Frederic Chopin’s 

December/January 2010
New Year's Eve in the Polish American Club  "Polonez" Florida
We said 'good bye' to the year 2009 in the excellent company of friends and acquaintances in the Polish American Club "POLONEZ" in South Florida.

December 12, 2009

Polish-American Christmas Gala Concert,

Let us get you into the mood for the holidays!
Northeastern Illinois University Auditorium
5500. N. St. Louis, Chicago
Music, carols, songs and dances for the whole family

May 28 to May 31, 2010
Young Polonia traveled to Toronto to be part of Polonia Folk Fest 2010

organized by Lechowia Polish Canadian Folk Dance Company.


February 14, 2010

9 Wielki Bal Karnawalowy
St Ferdinand Church
5900 W Barry Avenue Chicago

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer European Extravaganza,

Regina Dominican High School, Wilmette
"Polonia” – an internationally renowned dance ensemble -  presented “Summer European Extravaganza”



Sunday, April 25 2009

Polish Folk Song and Dance Ensemble  Spring Recital and Dinner
White Eagle Banquets
6839 N. Milwaukee, Niles

Please join us for a delightful afternoon featuring a concert of Polish folk songs and dances, a delicious family-style dinner and music for your dancing pleasure!

Sunday, March 29

College Performing Arts Center
2000 Fifth Ave., River Grove

 Polonia Dance Ensemble presented music, dance, folk games and customs from all regions of Poland

April 11, 2009

St Ferdinand Church

Polonia Ensemble

continues the tradition of blessing food for Easter Sunday.


Wielki XIII Bal TPK
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Chateau Ritz Banquets Hall, 9100 N. Milwaukee Ave, Niles


Friends of Cracow Society in Chicago cordially invites to the Thirteen Great Krakow Ball. Polonia Ensemble will perform

Sunday, November 23, 2008
3 pm, St Ferdinand Church
On the occasion of the 80th birthday of Cecylia Roznowska - Founder of Polonia Ensemble, Artistic Director and Master Choreographer, Polonia Ensemble invited all friends to St Ferdinand Church to celebrate "Naszej Kochanej Pani Celinki"  Birthday.

“Polonia” wystapila na zabawie Klubu

Przyjaciól Ziemi Sadeckiej


Fryderic Chopin Music and Dance Concert
200 Years of Chopin
In preparation for the Chopin year 2010,

Polonia Ensemble will present

a concert featuring multi-media performance

combining dance, music, poetry and video more

June 2008

Chicago White Sox
Polish American Night, White Sox vs. Indians

Enjoy Polonia Ensemble entertainment at the gates

and then watch an exiting game of White Sox baseball, more

Sunday,  September 14 ,2008
St Ferdinand Church
5900 W Barry Avenue Chicago

Blessing of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

Saturday,  February 2, 2008
58th Annual Physicians Ball,

POLONIA Ensemble recognition

The Polish American Medical Association had another beautiful and successful Ball on February 2nd, 2008.

This marks the 58th year of this fundraising event. Parts of the benefits of the Ball are allotted

for important efforts in the Polish community. This year, the Polish American Medical Association has been supporting

Bishop Abramowicz Seminary and Polonia Ensemble.  We are very proud in accomplishing this recognition.


Members and friends of Joseph Conrad Yacht Club (JCYC) gathered in a picturesque setting of the island estate to connect with people who share sailing passions and to enjoy fun-filled  summer picnic more

Saturday, 10/22/2006
View pictures from the concert "Beautiful Poland"
Northeastern University Auditorium -  A colorful show of polish dances and music for the whole family.


June 22nd, 2008, 5pm
Polonia Ensemble is coming to
Prospect Heights Summer Fest 2008
Prospect Crossing Shopping Center , 1241 N Rand Rd, Arlington Heights Summer Fest is coming again to Prospect Heights. This years' fest will feature the International Dance program on Sunday afternoon. Come and experience dances from the Polish, Indian, Irish and Hispanic cultures. For a full schedule of events call the Prospect Heights Park District at 847-394-2848 or visit prospectheightsparkdistrict

June 1st, 2008, 4pm
Northeastern Illinois University Auditorium
5500 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
Polonia Ensemble cordially invites to the Annual Spring Concert

Saturday,  03/22/08
Polonia Ensemble continues the tradition of blessing food for Easter Sunday.
St. Ferdinand Church,

Blessing of the Easter Baskets

Swieconka - Blessing of the Baskets is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions.

Baskets containing a sampling of Easter food (eggs,  breads, salt, ham, sausages,

horseradish and more) are brought to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday, more

Saturday, 10/27/07
Krasnoludki - Halloludki  Perfect Halloween Party!

On Saturday October 27th, the latest group of Krasnoludki students had their first show. This group is so enthusiastic and fun that, more

Friday, 10/26/07
Polish-American Heritage Celebration

The Council of Educators in Polonia and the Northeastern IllinoisUniversity Office of Alumni Affairs organized Polish-American 10th Annual Heritage Celebration, which will take place on  Northeastern Illinois University, more

27 Annual Taste of Polonia Festival 
Polonia  Ensemble concert Copernicus Theater
Polonia Ensemble celebrated the 27th annual Taste of Polonia Festival!

Sunday, 05/13/2007
A Celebration In Honor of All Mothers ...

Join Mother's Day Celebrations with "POLONIA" Ensemble more...

Cecylia Roznowska

the Grand Marshall of the Polish Constitution Day Parade, 5 May 2007           

Monday, 03/05/07     

Polonia Ensemble and WGN broadcast at Navy Pier 
On Monday, March 5th from 7-9 AM, Ana Belaval and WGN Morning News -Celebrated Poland- with POLONIA Ensemble in the Crystal Gardens more

Sunday, 12/24/06
Polish Christmas Eve Dinner for less fortunate was served at St. Hyacinth Basilica on December 24th. More than 100 people found there the spirit of traditional Polish "Wigilia" and spent heart-warming afternoon sharing of the oplatek (blessed wafer - the Bread of Love), enjoying traditional meatless food, a visit from St. Nicholas and singing Christmas Carols with Polonia dancers.

Polonia dancers had a rare opportunity to sail on the 78-ft maxi sloop “JULIANNA”

skippered by Isidore Ryzak. Memories of this sailing experience will last a lifetime.

Thank you to Commodore Ryzak and his 
great crew. more


Thursday, 3/09/2006 

Joseph's Day Celebration with Judy Baar Topinka and Polonia Ensemble
Judy Baar Topinka was hosting  Annual St. Joseph's Day Celebration

to honor the Polish and Italian more

Saturday, 12/02/2006

Polonia's 2006 Annual Ball 

Bajeczna rewia muzyki, taÅ„ca i wspaniaÅ‚ych kostiumów

W niedzielÄ™, 23 kwietnia, w salach baknietowych White Eagle, w Niles odbyÅ‚ siÄ™ Uroczysty Bankiet i Koncert z okazji 20-lecia istnienia Centrum.  read more.....

Polonia - Polish Folk Song and Dance Ensemble  -  Chicago USA
Northwest Center Traditional Polish Folk Dancers - 501(c)(3) Non Profi

Content and design copyright © Polonia Ensemble,  2005 - 2025  All rights reserved.

Created by Dorota Romek. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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